After 11 days off the Net and a further week sorting out the aftermath of the snow, I’ve finally got a few minutes to start looking at the Caponord Wiki – or ‘Capopedia’ as it’s now called …. original eh?
Well I’m still struggling with the new syntax and layout of the thing, when all of a sudden help storms over the horizon. You see, Jan has been reviewing books for a UK publishing house and as a ‘thank you’ gets the odd free Ebook. So she rather cheekily asked about a Mediawiki publication she knew would be right up my street.
And so I’m delighted to say a big thank you to Richard Dias of Packt Publishing for not only graciously giving Jan the book, but doing it by return email, talk about quick! And of course Jan, for doing the deed in the first place …. air kisses & über hugs!
It has already helped me out immensely and I’m looking forward to having a rummage under the bonnet of Mediawiki over the coming weeks and getting a look and feel that’s just right for the Capo content.
Ta very muchly everyone!